Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Another Murder in the Capital

On Saturday 15th March 2014 Shortly after 11pm while in the Area of East Street south opp Lil Generals Food store.four persons were shot in a honda. Mr. Carlos Colebrooke aka Skulla succumbed to his injuries on the scene.

Let's keep the families in Prayer.

F.O.A.M says Murder count #19

In the wee hours of the morning shortly after 2am Sunday 16th March 2014 Mr Darius Miller was shot and killed while in Yellow elder.

Let's Continue to Keep all Families in Prayer

F.O.A.M says murder count #20

Another Murder occured

On Friday 14th of March 2014 while in Bimini Mr Carl Yuaga an American visitor was stabbed and died of his injuries.

Two American visitor were haul before the court six days later charge with Manslaughter they were both granted $35,000 cash bail, There Attorney was Wayne Munroe.

F.O.A.M says murder count #18

Saturday, 8 March 2014

On March 4th 2014 Another Murder occurred in The Capital

Darius Adderley was shot by a number house in The Centreville Area

Let's keep his family in Prayer

F.O.A.M says the murder count is 17.