Thursday, 12 September 2013

A young man just aquitted of Raping charges shot and killed tonight September 5th 2013.

48 year old Leroy Adderley aka scar was shot and killed in the Pitt Road after being acquitted of a raping a girl weeks ago who was 12 years old at the time however she is now 18 years old. My count say murder #85.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Mike Miller shot while in Andros succumbed to his injuries as he was flown to Nassau this occured on Thursday 5th September 2013 my count say murder count #84

On Wednesday Night September 4th 2013 Mr Dion Johnson age 43 was killed while in Whites Addition Kemp Road my count say murder #83

Wednesday 4th September 2013 a 17 year old by the name of Mr. Aaron Turnquest aka spy was shot and killed while thru the area of Fowler St. my count murder #82

On Wednesday September 4th 2013 Mr. Alexander Joseph succumbed to his injuries in hosptial after being shot the in the area of Brougham St on Tuesday 3rd September my count say murder #81

Early Monday Morning 2nd September 2013 in Ridgeland a man heard a knock on the door and went to answer it he was shot and killed he is of haitian descend his name Mr.Kesner Attilus. my count says #80

On Saturday August 31st 2013 Ms Gewnth Duncombe was shot and killed in pinewood Gardens while being a back seat passenger in the back of Honda Accord the driver went to east st south police station but she had already sucummb to her injuries my count murder #79

On Saturday August 31st 2013 Mr. Robert Mcintosh age 34 was shot and killed at Freeman Subdivision Nassau Vge according to my count #78

On Friday Night August 30th 2013 Mr. Rhajese Pinder age 28 was shot and killed at Williams St Nassau Vge ,according to my count thats #77