Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Murder Count stands at #66 in The Bahamas.

Murder Count now is at #66 When bullet ridden body was discover South Beach in bushes. The body found was wearing and ankle bracelet. His name was Anthony Rolle alais box. Murder #65 Occured on Sunday when two brothers got into a fight and one was stabbed he succumb to his injuries he was later identified as Devado Rolle.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Murder count stands at #64 in The Bahamas

Nassau has recorded its 64 murdered victim. 19 year old Danny Poitier was found with gun shot wounds in a red honda accord while in the area off Pinedale/Peardale off Wulff road, Mr.Poitier was a resident of Gambier.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

F.O.A.M "families of all murdered victims" is here for those who lost a love one via murder,
Mainly the invisible/silent victims which are the KIDS.

Do you know a person that had a love one murdered and left kids behind and the kids doesn't qualifies for survivors benefits at National Insurance. Please call us today as we would love to assist with the KIDS maintence.

Please feel free and contact us as we have a 24 hotline Tele# 1242 393 3626 or 1242 428 8282.

Knowing a brother or sister in need and you shut up your bowels of compassion how dwellest the love of God in you.

F.O.A.M "families of all murdered victims" coming Together To Make a difference!

F.O.A.M "families of all murdered rallying for a change meet with Bishop Walter Hanchell along with Mr. Rodney Moncur and went to Cable 12 news. To let their voices be heard that enough is enough when it comes to crime and murder in the country.

F.O.A.M shows support to the family of Murder victim Mr. Terrell WIlliams.

F.O.A.M "families of all murdered victims" showed support to Murder victim #57 in The Bahamas. Picture here is The President and her members alongside the Mother of the decease Ms Dale Williams

Mr. Terell Williams was murdered on Saturday 6th July 2013.

F.O.A.M President is honored for her Outstanding Contributions towards the Kids whose Parent/Parents were Murdered.

Held under the patronage of Minister of Social Services was a Mother's Day Luncheon which recongized the Outstanding Mothers of the community who were going above and beyond the call of duty to assist many kids and The President of F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims was one the recipient. Which was held May  12th 2013 at The Sheraton Grand Hotel Nassau, Bahamas.                                                                           
Picture along side the President is her Mother Mrs Michelle Knowles who lost 2 sons via murdered which are the 2 brothers of The President of F.O.A.M and because of their murders F.O.A.M was birth.

Also in attendence were a few of the members of F.O.A.M to show their support.

They Smile but yet their Love ones were Murdered in The Bahamas

Monday, 22 July 2013

Murder Count #63

Murder count now stands at #63 with two men being shot multiple time amongst the body while being patrons at the night club called Taveo formally The Old First Down. One of the young men pass away as
a result of his injuries.

The victims name is Torac Stuart a resident of Balls Alley.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Murder counts now stands at #62 in The Bahamas.

The Murder count stands at #62 in The Bahamas as of July 21st 2013

 Early Saturday Morning July 20th 2013 There was a double murder on Wulff Road at Tips and Tops
 Mr. Ernest Cartwright and Mr. Sean Daxon are the names of the victims which was murder count 
 #60 and #61.

This Morning Sunday 21st July 2013 two men got into an agruement resulting in both being stabbed
and later sucuming to his injuries his name was Mr. Elkin Moss bringing the murder count to # 62

Thursday, 18 July 2013


It's sad to see what Nassau is coming to, Our young men are being gunned down just weeks apart of each other. But yet those in high Authority say's murder is down 20% whether up or down any amount of murder is high.

One must often ask the question where is the LOVE? and why do a misunderstanding has to result in shoots being fired from a gun or recieving stab wounds.

People its time to PRAY like never before.

On July 6th 2013 Terrell Williams was murdered on West St.
On July 17th 2013 Benjiman Beneby was murdered on Lewis St.

We at F.O.A.M is praying for the grieving, hurting families at this time.