Monday, 18 February 2013

F.O.A.M shows appreciation to its members

The president Khandi Gibson took the time out to let the members and officers know they are appreciated

F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims goes to the press demanding more from those in Higher Authority

F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims shows support to a mother who son was killed in January 2013

The reason why F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims was birth

After the murder of The president Khandi Gibson's brothers eight months apart she went to National Insurance seeking assistance because she knew her brothers worked but when she got there to find out that
they worked but didnt have suffient contributions her heart was heavy burden, because that meant that her brothers 7 kids didnt qualify for survivors benefit meaning the the responsibility is left to the surviving relatives
and considering the fact that she was already heavy in spirit because at that time she was recovering from a divorce.

Immediately she went before God and heard a voice saying "Khandi  I called you and I will make provison
for the vision that your are going to bring forth for every other child/children who was ever loose a parent to
the Demon of murder.

F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims becomes the Aunt of the child/children who parent/s is murdered
providing emotional support,grief counselling, uniform assistance, back to school stationeries groceries/snacks new and used clothing, attends the funerals of a murdered victims and
provide christmas and birthday gifts for the kids. We now offer delivery services for those who dont have ride their necessities is delivered to them every month.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims attends Resurection Kingdom Power Ministries which is the covering
of the non-profit organization and knowing that only what you do for Christ will last Putting God 1st in 2013
like never before

My brothers kids even though they are no longer here F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims"
rises the ocassion to help lessen the finacial burden of the families

F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims" is here to care for the little darlings left behind, How can you
go to bed at night not knowing if these innocent/silent victims of crime are not eating or being properly
cared for because dad or mum was murdered

The president of F.O.A.M "families of all murder victims" adresses the members at the ThanksGiving Day dinner in attendance was Pastor Kevin Grant which is the spirtual shepard of the non-profit organization

A Show of Appreciation

FOAM members say a big thank you to Khandi Gibson, President of FOAM, for her tireless efforts to unite the families of all murder victims in the Bahamas.

Khandi caught in a moment by the newspaper photographer's lens as she comforts another victim's family.

Brand New Year - Staying on the Mission!

FOAM members and officer had their first meeting for 2013

"You're My Inspiration"

The love that Anthro and Khanaochi Knowles shared with their sister Khandi is the kind of unbreakable love that lasts a lifetime.  It's the kind of love that knows no boundaries - not even death.  Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult experiences in life.  Most people turn into introverts and want nothing to do with the world.  But Khandi turned her tragedy into triumph by investing her time, energy and effort into a non profit organization dedicated to people who are hurting just like she is.  Families of All Murder Victims continues to call out to young men and women that are resorting to violence - to let them know this is not the answer.  Love is the answer - and if you believe in God, he will make a way out of no way.,  You don't have to resort to violence - for the end is destruction.  Call on the Lord, call on family, call on friends, the answer is out there and it is never violence.  FOAM is pushing to see the astronomical rate of crime in the Bahamas drop significantly in 2013.

Khandi is a pall bearer at the funeral of her first brother, Anthro Knowles.

the love for her two brothers brought about the birth of FOAM Bahamas.

FOAM Memories

Apple Tree Service held at Town Centre Mall, sponsored by the Prison Fellowship.  The public was invited to donate gifts for the children for Christmas - those whose loved ones were incarcerated or murdered.  FOAM President Khandi Gibson was selected as one of the honorees for Mother of the Year for May 12, 2013.

FOAM shows support to a family whose 17 year-old son was killed.

FOAM Monthly meeting - this one was held at Wendy's Mall at Marathon; Mr. Rodney Moncur, capital punishment activist was the guest.

FOAM banner shows some of the Bahamas murder victims.

Back to School Jamboree, Mrs. Black (blue blouse) her son was a  Defense Force Officer who was murdered,  Michelle Knowles, mother of Ms. Gibson, who lost two sons to murder.
Kids get backpacks for back to school sponsored by BTC

The staff of Diamonds International gives FOAM a donation

Happy Days as FOAM Kids get together

Pushing for a Change

FOAM Bahamas meeting with Urban Renewal pioneer and Former Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Cynthia "Mother" Pratt and Bishop Simeon Hall, Crime Commission.

Another Murder Victim's Funeral

FOAM Bahamas attends the funeral of Keith Armbrister, who was murdered  September 30, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner!!

In all things we give God thanks.  FOAM held its first thanksgiving dinner November, 2012, held at the residence of FOAM President, Khandi Gibson.  This gave victims' family members a chance to get together, get to know one another, and most of all, give God thanks - not for the things we do not have, but for the things we do have.  We don't have all the answers, and sometimes we cannot question why, all we can do is trust and obey, for the Master knows his will.

Punch Feature Special

FOAM is on the move!!  Khandi Gibson is recognized for her hard work in promoting FOAM Bahamas, a non-profit organization for the Families of All Muder Victims in the Bahamas.  For more information email: or call (242) 393-3626  or 427-3693.

Back To School Jamboree!!!

August 11, 2012

Families of All Murder Victims got together for the Back to School Jamboree of a lifetime!  The event was held at R.M. Bailey park.  It gave victim's kids a chance to have fun with kids who are going through a difficult time in life just as they are - to put aside their cares for the day and commune with someone who really does know what you are going through.  Also, people often forget that when a parent is murdered, a child still has needs.  So FOAM set out to ensure that each child who came out had some of the supplies they need for back to school.

Miss La Petite Bahamas, Anthonique Greenslade, gave out Nikki bags to all the kids filled with goodies and supplies.
FOAM President, Khandi Gibson, puts on a school uniform and poses with the kids to encourage them to get excited about school despite the difficulties they face.

St. Hall, Royal Bahamas Police Force Family Victims Unit, Liaison officer, with Ms. Gibson

Lisa Wood, white shirt, lost three brothers through acts of violence, Ms. Gibson, and Mona Barr, who lost one brother

Service for all Murder Victims' Families

Bishop Simeon Hall, New Covenant Baptist Church; Khandi Gibson, FOAM President; and Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage and Mrs. Nottage - September 16, 2012.

Bishop Simeon Hall hosted a special church service to pray for the lives of all murder victims and for the well-being of the many families whose lives have been rocked by such tragic violence.  It was held at New Covenant Baptist Church on East West Highway.

FOAM - Families Of All Murder Victims group attended the service, along with other members of the public who also had loved ones murdered.  The names of 25 more murder victims were added to the wall which was unveiled at the church.  The wall is a memorial for the murder victims of The Bahamas.

Minister Nottage spoke at the service, saying he hopes the wall "reaches out to the young men of the Bahamas to reflect on their lives and the things they are doing and to seek, with God's guidance, a life that is more productive".

Ms. gibson's deceased brothers, Anthro and Khanaochi Knowles names were added to the wall that day as well.

Newest FOAM Supporter

FOAM Bahamas continues to call for the support of the Government, the Private Sector, and the community at large to never forget the many families who are seriously affected by murder.  The mother of the Bahamas' fifth murder victim for 2013, Marco Donaldson, meets with FOAM President Khandi Gibson shortly after his death.  Victims are sticking together to fight the scourge or murder as it affects all Bahamians.